Rude comments about pregnancy

A customer where I work was asking about my pregnancy and asked how much I've gained so far since I'm not huge at 26 weeks. When I told her I've gained like 7-8 lbs so far, so not a lot, but also a reasonable amount to gain. And she got rude about it saying how my baby is going to be too small and is clearly not getting enough. I'm 5'9" and clearly not a tiny woman, there is no reason to assume my baby will be small, and he is measuring totally on schedule. She had just been telling me with her first she gained 85lbs, and with each of her other two she gained more than 100 each. I assume she was just being mean because she gained so much more than it looks like I will be, but I couldn't believe someone would say something like that to me. Has anyone else dealt with that kind of nonsense from strangers? It's annoying enough that I'm told all the time I don't look pregnant, just fat. It isn't a big deal, just extremely frustrating to hear all the time when to me and my family they all think my bump is what is should be like at this point.