Baby measuring small at 34 wks

Sara • 7.2.16 👶☀️ • 9.16.18 👼⛈️ • 8.26.19 👶🌈
Hey ladies... so for the past couple scans, baby girl has been on the small side. Her dad is tall and skinny so I was hopeful she was just taking after him but we suspected it was a placenta thing as I have had elevated BP, but not high enough for a preeclampsia diagnosis. She was in the 30th percentile 3 weeks ago at 31 weeks, all measurements were fine except her belly which measured 2 weeks behind. Today I had another scan and overall growth has dropped to the 14th percentile, she is only 4lbs 5oz and her belly is now 2nd percentile. She passed all other tests like NSTs and BPP, but I am so worried. The doc mentioned IUGR and he said I will have another scan in 2 weeks (36 wks) and if she drops below the 10th percentile we will talk about early delivery. I know at 36 weeks she will most likely be just fine, but I worry she might still need NICU time just because she's small. Does anyone have any experience or reassuring stories with this??