Safely lose weight during pregnancy??

So I'm 25w2d and went to the doctors today and saw the dreaded number I've been trying so hard to avoid and thought I wouldn't  reach till the end of my pregnancy. But I've reached 200 😞 that's a total of 26 lbs so far and I know more is coming. How I've gained 26lbd is literally beyond me!! I eat relatively healthy. My downfall is defiantly pasta/carbs and snacking with the kids but I get plenty of fruits and veggies. I Only drink water throughout the day except for one cup of coffee in the morning. Before I knew I was pregnant I had lost 15lbs and was doing great eating, working out daily, and walking daily. However my first trimester I was sick all the time and so all that went out the window and the motivation never came back. I understand completely I'm pregnant and gaining weight comes with the territory but being over 200lbs and only 5ish feet. This is not okay with me!! I understand I can't  go back to my intense routine I was doing before hand and I know it's not ideal to lose weight during pregnancy but I would like to try to not gain anymore besides baby weight and be healthier.  Does any one have advice or does and don'ts. Or know if it's okay to start light workouts in the middle of pregnancy and cut calorie intake down to what it should be? My doctor is no help and brushes it off or just tells me "to listen to my body". Seriously depressed over this number 😔