dolichocephaly- help!

Grace • cant wait to meet my little lady 🎀
So I just got a call from my doctors office and heard the very dreaded words "we found an abnormality in your ultrasound" my heart immediately dropped 💔 The lady I spoke to told me they saw our baby has something called dolichocephaly. I asked her what it is, what issues it can cause, but she literally was no help at all and told me to do research at home then ask my doctor at my appointment next week (she wasn't our regular doctor or nurse so I think she didn't want to be the one telling me). I've done a little research and saw that it can cause mental retardation and for the baby to be breech, I stopped reading because I don't want to be stressing for the next week before my appointment.. But if anybody else was told their baby had this or has ANY insight please please tell me what you know! I hadn't even heard of it until today. She said it can sometimes fix itself on it's own, and they're going to monitor through extra ultrasounds.