Sleeping at the hospital 😣

My precious three year old Autistic son jumped onto my belly, knees first. I screamed out and cried and my sweet boy immediately freaked out and cried with me and held my face. It was so precious and sweet and I'm so proud of him for knowing he'd hurt me. That's uncommon with Autism. Anyway, I already had a dr appt and u/s scheduled for an hour after the incident, so I went and told the dr what had happened. The u/s was normal and at 34 weeks, baby weighs 5lb 8oz! She still decided to send me to L&D just to be monitored for an hour and make sure the contractions I was having (that I always have anyway) weren't causing the baby any distress. After 20 mins of being hooked up to the monitors, they saw my contractions were causing her distress. So now I get to stay until tomorrow afternoon. Fun. The hardest part of this is being away from my sweet son. I wasn't expecting to be away from him tonight and I'm really struggling with it. My parents are headed to my house so my husband can come bring me a change of clothes and stuff. Pray this baby starts doing better so I can go home tomorrow as early as possible!