Threatened miscarriage. Please help!

This is my first pregnancy I'm 6w4d. Last night I was at the movies with my family. I used the restroom I wiped and there was pink blood. I got upset we left and went to the e.r. after about five hours of being poked prodded test after test. The dr. Told me my cervix is high and closed. My hcg is about 19,000. He said he's concerned about the size of my baby telling me. I'm having a miscarriage. The ultrasound tech said everything was normal I'm just early in my pregnancy. I'm so scared that he might be right. But I honestly think he's wrong. How can he go from telling me spotting is normal, my pelvic exam was normal and good to telling me I'm losing my baby. Someone please tell my this has happened and they have a healthy baby. I'm going to call my obgyn on Monday now I'm just waiting. I've stopped spotting and everything no cramping no back pain nothing. Sorry it's so long please help!!!