Worth breaking up over?

I am apologizing in advance because this might be long but I'll try and shorten it as possible.
 My boyfriend and I (not bragging) but have a great but odd love story. I love him a lot but as days go on I feel like he's doing things that make me wanna push him away more and more. We've been dating for almost 1 and a half years. We are both 19. I'm in college and he's a high school dropout. My family thinks I can do better and they don't care for him. He smokes cigarettes and weed (I smoke weed sometimes) he's high everyday . I know I'm complaining about this but I really can't because I got into the relationship knowing he smokes. So I understand I can't hold that against him. He never shows me off.. I know this is stupid but I'm a girl and I wanna be shown off. He doesn't go places with me or do things with me. We occasionally go out to eat but not often. We didn't do anything for our "anniversaries" not even our 1 year. On my birthday last year he ran off forgot about my birthday and didn't tell me til the day was over. I'm not the person to get upset over material items bc it's not a big deal but he's gotten me 1 necklace from James Avery. And I have spent so much on him for holidays , Christmas and his birthdays. I never miss anything. I ask him to go eat at this new restaurant with me , he agrees then when we get there he COMPLAINS. I'm not saying like a basic complaint. If there is a 10 minute wait he will throw a fit. He will make your life miserable.. So we end up leaving. I ask him to go to the mall to get something from there for. A few minutes. I say "no, I'm not going bc I know you don't wanna go so I'm not gonna make you" he then says he wants to go with me and assures me of it. The second we get to the mall he complains about the sun being in his eyes!! (Outlet mall) so we end up leaving. This is everywhere we go and I hate it so much . I'd rather go out to eat with my dad and shopping bc my dad loves doing it and doesn't complain. I see other relationships where girls boyfriends do EVERYTHING with them and show them off. I love my boyfriend so much but I've been giving him chances and idk if I can live with this. I'm 19 and I want to think about my future. I wanted him in it but he's proving himself not husband material.... He also is the worst at texting. He will text me back hours later and sometimes 24hours later. Saying "ok" or "haha" or somthing dumb and short like that. I know he loves me... And I'm not just saying that. I know it seems crazy but I know for a fact he does. I love his family as well. Also with the whole dropping out of high school thing. I try to motivate him to get his GED and it seems like he wants to but and trying hard enough. He complained about working with his dad ( a very decent job) then quit and worked at a restaurant. I love him so much I really do but he literally does something everyday that makes me think about leaving him. And it's mostly the way he texts. He texts so boring and it takes him forever it makes me mad. And the longer were apart the worse it makes me feel. When I see him and go to his house we have a great time. I love being with him. I can be myself around him( really wierd around him lol) and we're obviously comfortable around each other. Idk what to do guys. Is this all a good excuse for wanting to leave? Or should I stay and toughen up because I probably won't find better? Any advice is needed. 😞 

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