Losing my husband ??

It hurts so much. For the past month and a half or so my husband and I have been going through things in our relationship and lately I feel that he's not happy with me. We've talked and he says that he still loves me more than anything. I just feel that our connection is completely shot. It's not the same. When we talk he's distant and uninterested and it just feels like he does things out of obligation. The love and passion just seems like it's gone. I've been trying to deal with it and I don't even know how to spice up our relationship at this point. We barely talk anymore and I just feel like he looks through me and doesn't find me attractive any more. When we are in bed and he's holding me I still feel lonely because he just seems so distant. He acts like he doesn't know what I'm talking about when I bring it up and nothing gets accomplished. We've NEVER been this way towards one another.. Anyway there's this new woman at our job and she's beautiful. Lately he's been doing gentleman things for her. Like carrying her shit to the car and normally that wouldn't bother me but it does now. What also bothers me is the way he looks at her. Kind of like the way he used to look at me when we first met. I know nothing is going on between the two of them but I can't help but feel that he'd rather be with her instead. Rather be with anybody except me based off the way our marriage has been going. Anybody else been here ? How did you get through it ?