Am I a bad wife or a concerned mom?

Before my husband and I got married we both had our own dogs. My dog is the sweetest thing ever! She has  never tried to bite anyone. She will lick you to death! His dog is the grumpiest dog! He hates licking, he hates being touched, grabbed or bothered and he's super aggressive. Everything is on his terms. My husband knows he's a terrible dog. We've had him for years. But now that we're having a baby I've mentioned to him that I'm not sure it would be safe to have him around a baby. I keep imagining when the baby gets older and is walking around with food and the dog takes it away and the baby wants it back, the dog will bite. Or if the baby wants to go up to him and pet him, he will bite. I don't want to take my chances. We've also seen it. His cousins Baby was at our house and he came up to the dog and our dog went to bite him. I had to pull the baby by his shirt to avoid the dog biting him. My husband witnessed it. I just feel terrible asking him to get rid of him. What do you guys think?