'Aren't you embarrassed of showing your belly'

Jessie 🌛 • Celine 💕❤️
So in my previous post about shaving I mentioned I was going to the beach tomorrow..
I was talking to my 3 SIL's and they asked what me and my bf did today and I said went shopping and they asked what we got and I mentioned I got a new bathing suit. And they were like oh yeah when we were pregnant we just wore regular clothes and one said she wore a 1 piece (I have NOTHING against one pieces, they actually look great on other people but I hate them on me) and I was like oh... I got a two piece 😬 and one of them was like omg you're going to wear that , really? And I was like yeah why 😳 and she was like well I don't know aren't you embarrassed of showing your big belly, I would be. I wouldn't be able to do that ....... And I mean I get it, we were having a conversation and it was funny ... I guess .. But at the same time I put a fake ass smile on and was like well yeah one pieces just aren't for me and plus I'm obviously going to wear it after baby so might as well get something I like ... Anyway sorry it was so long. Just wanted to share that (in my opinion) kind of rude comment I got today 😁😂😑