What's wrong with people?

Jelena • Ftm, baby boy, due September 2016 ♡

What makes people not thinking for a second while giving the worst comments ever..? Like conversation with at least 20 people so far went this way:

- When is your due date?

- September 7

- Oooh poor baby it is going to be really hard for you because summer is comming.

Why? Why is everyone has to tell that? Why?!

I have summer of pregnancy in front of me, I'm really unbelievably happy about my pregnancy, can they just let me be happy? Why is it soooo important for everyone to make comment like that?

Also all this people telling my husband that his life is going to be worse now that he is married :( In front of me... With no shame. My God. Why? Why?!

THE BIG QUESTION - Should I be rude with comments like that?