Preseed! To use or not to use!?

Carry • I’m 33. Stay-at-home-wife/Homeschooling momma. Had a blighted ovum in May 2017. Had a little girl in Aug 2018 and May 2020! Overcome infertility on both sides. Prayers and sticky baby dust to y`all!
My follicular phase is actually 20 and luteal phase 12. I will ovulate on June 16, 2016. I have already bought the preseed. How many cycle did it take you to get your BFP, while using preseed?
I would really love to get pregnant this cycle because my husband turns 31 this month and I believe that's the best birthday gift I could give him.
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I started preseed the same month I started clomid and also tried BD every day. Can't say which one worked but I did get pregnant!


Shetomar • Sep 18, 2016
awesome, i just finished Clomid and started using pressed this cycle as well. also baby dancing every other day


Carry • Jun 13, 2016
Congratulations! Prayers that you have a safe and healthy 9 months.


Posted at
Worked for my husband and I both times we tried preseed! The first one was a molar pregnancy, but this one is a normal pregnancy :)


Carry • Jun 12, 2016
Thank you! Sorry to hear about the first pregnancy but congrats on the second. I'm really hoping to get pregnant this cycle cause that will mean the baby would possibly be due on/around my dad's birthday (he will be turning 70 next year).


Posted at
Years ago i used it once and got a bfp but mc. I just used it 5 times in my fertile window including the day of my positive opk.


Carry • Jun 12, 2016
Sorry to hear that. Hopefully this time it's a sticky baby.


Posted at
I will be ovulating on the 15!! I am also trying preseed everyday of this cycle. Baby dust!!!


Selicca • Jun 13, 2016
"cycle buddy please af due 5/30"


Carry • Jun 13, 2016
I couldn't find the board you was talking about.


Carry • Jun 13, 2016
It's ok she passed before I was ever born. My mom actually had three girls but I'm the only one that lived. Both passed before I was born, but we all three share the same middle name. Ok, I will see if I can find it tomorrow.