Debate in our household!

This is our first baby. Please tell me how long your little stayed sleeping in your room before going to a crib in their own room... my neighbor said 2 years! Which I said is rediculous, I'm thinking a few months? Help!
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A full year is recommended to reduce SIDS risk because they can sync to their breathing to yours. 


juana • Jun 13, 2016
totally agree with you, i just put my 2 year old on his own bed to prepare for newborn, so far my toddler seems to like sleeping by himself


Posted at
My baby slept in her room and crib since day one - never had a bassinet etc just a monitor 


Desirae • Jun 13, 2016
my doctor told me not to put the baby with us. I bought a crib for a reason I like my space I bed it's bad enough I have to share it with that cats and my husband lol


Courtney • Jun 13, 2016
Agreed. My son has been in his crib since we came home. He is now 13 months and we have never had issues with him sleeping thru the night (except those annoying sleep regression stages)


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Guilty. five year old so sleeps with me :0


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I wouldn't care if I had one huge bedroom that I shared with my kiddos til they were like 10 😂 my son is 5 and has his mattress in my room right now. Only because my ex and I had a very bad break up it got physical infront of the kids unfortunately, I had to call the police and my son doesn't want to be alone at night cuz he's scared. Hopefully that willChange when we move. My 10mth olds crib is right next to my bed. My bed is a kid free zone though. I had planned on moving her to her own room at 1, but I'm down sizing to a 2bed room so she will prolly stay in my room for another year. 


Holly • Jun 13, 2016
glad they are in with you♡


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Every family is different. My husband and his siblings slept in his grandparents bed for a loooong time-until they were like 7!!! My parents coslept for the first few months. 


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My daughter stayed in our bed the first two months then we moved her to her crib when she had a steadier sleep schedule. But go with the flow, dont feel pressured by others. If you want your baby with you or not with you, so be it. :) Good luck. 


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Mine varied. First one slept in our room till 6 months. Second one only lasted two weeks before she preferred her crib. Third one almost 16 months. But that's because a very close friend had a baby literally three days before we had our son. At seven months old, he died of asphyxiation (from a baby blanket), in his crib, which caused me to bring my son back to my room. 


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I did 3 months, one night she just decided she liked her crib and she slept in it from then on. She is 4 now I still let her sleep with me but I think its a bit different at this point lol


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If I had the ability he would've been in his own room before 6 months. 2 is ridiculous in my opinion! Love my son to death but mom likes a little tiny bit of space!


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I don't have experience. But as a soon to be single mom..I know I'll want her near by refuse to Co sleep. I'm assuming probably 6 months in bassinet at most until she goes to her crib, which isn't far away at all.