Guilt ridden

I'm 34 +5 today and my so and I have been lucky enough to have tons of family give us baby clothes and necessities for our son for free or very cheap. My sil told us she was pregnant over a month and a half ago (at least two months, maybe more by her LMP and a test). She called me a few weeks ago panicked because she had a lot of bleeding and thought that she may be miscarrying. I told her to go to the er right away (she lives in another state) and to keep me updated. Flash forward to last week, she messages me and a few others in a group text saying that it wasn't stunted growth like the er thought, the baby was fine. She told me she was 5 weeks at the appointment. My so and I picked out several baby clothes that were gender neutral that we had been given, as well as toys and a few movies, and called her on Friday to ask if she minded having any boy clothes or if she only wanted androgynous ones for now. She didn't answer, and the next morning we received another group text that only said "I lost the baby.". She hasn't talked to anyone since and we both feel terrible. I'm not sure how to talk to her because I'm still pregnant at 34+5 and don't want her to feel worse (or honestly make myself feel worse). Any advice?