Our elephant themed nursery progress! πŸ˜πŸ’—

Azra β€’ Proud momma of 2
35 weeks & nesting in full effect. It's finally coming together! 
1.3k views β€’ 57 upvotes β€’ 19 comments



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Elephant theme as well. Gray convertible bed, yellow and white instead of pink/blue.Having a boy. No nursery pics, he's in my room. But I have a baby shower pic...


Chardonnay πŸ’™πŸ’™ β€’ Jun 13, 2016
Same, when I have a girl it will probably be peacock themed.


Azra β€’ Jun 13, 2016
Super cute! Love elephants!


Posted at
Here's a better picture of the rug!


Kylie β€’ Jun 13, 2016
Yes! Home Goods is my addiction and it's a good thing I don't live super close to it anymore haha


Azra β€’ Jun 13, 2016
LOVE! I need to check home goods today!


Posted at
We are doing elephants as well! Her bedding is from the Levtex collection at babies r us! I love your wall collage!


Kylie β€’ Jun 15, 2016
Thank you! My friend made the sign for me and the lyrics are from Rascal Flatts "My Wish"😊


Sara β€’ Jun 15, 2016
we are naming our little one the same name and doing elephant theme! I love the sign with the song lyrics and her name!


Kylie β€’ Jun 15, 2016
Except for her bedding and some decorations and accessories, there's not much pink lol...of course people bought her pink clothes but that's about it. That's the reason we painted the room grey and have white furniture because I didn't want everything pink..


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We are slowly getting ours complete. No "theme", just peach, navy, aqua and white color palette. 


Shay β€’ Jun 13, 2016
Thank you! It was my grandmother's cedar chest. I painted it and covered the top because the wood was in rough shape. My granny loves how it turned out!


Azra β€’ Jun 13, 2016
Love that bench/chest in front of the window!