last day in the two week wait

💞SuE💞 • 39/ TTC#1 4 rounds of clomid at 25mg. 1 round of ivf/fet failed dec16. 2nd round fresh failed 14feb17. fet in april17
Time has gone so fast since I started on my <a href="">fertility treatment</a> journey and yet so slow. 
After my mc in feb 2015 it's been hard, getting over the mc and ttcing only to realize something's wrong. 
Then came the tests - all the results were fine and it helped pass the time while I tried. Besides having a polycycstuc right I arty everything else was fine. 
Started the new year hopeful with my first dose of clomid. I was so certain that clomid would help me ovulate, as I wasn't ovulating. I though it would work first cycle, after all I've been pregnant before. 
At 50mg I got 4 follicles erupt so it was an over result! quads the doctors said! I was excited and terrified... but dreams were dashed as I didn't conceive.
 The next cycle I halved the dose to avoid overstimulation and ovulated one follie, but yet again I didn't conceive.
The third cycle I really thought it would happen... after all the due date was my hubby's birthday!!! it must mean something right? I mean, what are the chances! like with my precious 2 rounds, I had terrible ovulation paid on day 14, which though was painful I welcomed (meant that it was all working) but again my hopes were dashed with AF showed its ugly face.
So now I'm on my fourth and last cycle and expecting a period tomorrow ( or not!) at the end of s long two week wait.
it's my last cycle as my name on the I've waiting list has come up. 
Being 38 and 4 months old I know I don't have much time. The ttc journey since my wedding has taken its toll and seen me clock up more birthdays but no bfp's. 
Part of me wants to try clomid for two more cycles and fall pregnant that way as I'm terrified of needles and procedure but as time has gone on ice become more desperate and slot braver. 
My infertility journey has made me face so many of my worst fears but I've stayed strong and hopeful in the darkest of moments. 
So here I am a day before my period is due... I hope it doesnt come. I hope I'm pregnant and this baby stocks. I hope I don't have to go through I've. I hope. I'm taking progesterone cream baby aspirin preseed and folic acid and praying. Hubby is fantastic, silently praying and fasting and hoping for this. We really tried this cycle. even with thrush we started the clomid on holiday in Turkey and had sex on all by one day of my fertile window week. A ovulated day 16. Everything has gone to plan.
I used to be fertile, it wasn't this hard? there's nothing wrong with me so why isn't it happening? ahhh. 
So one more day.... fingers and toes crossed....