Excess Lipase in Breastmilk

Has anyone experienced producing excess Lipase in your breastmilk? We've been trying to get  DD (3 months) to take a bottle of pumped breastmilk for a solid 8 weeks with no luck, so I asked friends for ideas. One suggested that it might have too much of this enzyme, which makes it taste "sour" or "soapy" after a short period of time once pumped, regardless of your cleanliness during the process. After doing a few at-home tests, I'm almost positive this is our problem and it certainly explains why the baby acts like she's being tortired every time we give her a bottle -- it tastes like we're making her drink soap!
If you have experienced this, how did you manage? I'll be going back to teaching full-time in August and hope to continue breastfeeding/pumping until at least Christmas break, so I'll need the simplest scorching/storage techniques possible!
Also, I've got a pretty good stockpile of frozen milk that tastes bad once thawed but is still safe to give to baby... If you did too before you discovered the lipase issue, what did you do with the stored unscorched frozen milk? 
Thank you in advance for your help!