Recessed chin HELP!!!

Hi ladies! My son is almost 12 weeks
Old with a slightly recessed chin. I am STILL painfully breastfeeding and supplementing 4oz every day. I just can't seem to give up. I've seen a lactation consultant that says if he doesn't grow
Out of his recessed chin then we are basically of luck. Right now I pump when the pain gets to bad and bottle feed. I've tried all positions aside from standing on my head. I've tried a nipple shield, I've tried it all. I don't necessarily feel pain anymore it just feels like his tounge is pinching my nipple with every suck and it's so uncomfortable that it hurts if that makes sense. Has anyone experienced this? We're you able to breastfeed? Any solutions? I've made it so far but that is because I've put every ounce of my energy into it and I'm losing hope that I will be able to breastfeed much longer like this.