Labour Long crazy amazing experience short: 14th may Saturday night went in at 8...

Corrine 🌸
Long crazy amazing experience short: 
14th may Saturday night went in at 8 a midwife checked me in an assessment room where I was monitored, contractions were 5 or so kind apart , I was 4cm dialated got the choice on of I wanted to stay in and walk around or go home and then come back when they were closer I chose to go home. 
Got home went to jump in the shower noticed blood , called midwife to tell them they said that everything was normal. So I had my shower got comfy and chilled on the couch. Next thing my contractions started getting closer and more painful so we called back up and went back in that was around 11ish , went in and was taken to a delivery room , was put on monitors. My contractions got closer after a while and I was put on a drop to make them more frequent and the midwife broke my waters , and gave me the gas. After a while longer contractions got more in tense for an hour or so , when I decided to also have pethadine due to being in way to much pain. Everything became s blur once I had it and I was in and out of conciseness a lot. I even vomited and Matt also vomited at the same time. Things carried on like that for hours on end and i was only slowly dialating. After so long enough was enough and my body started to push the midwife said not to because I wasn't ready yet my body was and I couldn't help it , baileys heart rate dropped to 70 2-3 times and the midwife called in for assistance they checked me out and did extra monitoring on Bailey where they went up and put tiny clamps on his head to check his heart rate , he was stressing out and oxygen was low for him , they kept turning me over to get his heart rate back up but it wasn't working so they called code green for and emergency caesarean. 30 doctors/midwifes were in my room within seconds prepping me for surgery. Someone ran in and jabbed me in the leg with a needle that stopped me contractions they were Taking my jewellery off , piercings out and clothes off and they rushed me out. Not explaining a single thing to anyone and Matt , Taryn and mum were left clueless all worried. All I remember was going in and out of consciousness to the surgery prep room and holding a midwifes hand whilst still contacting , I got to the prep room and they kept turning me more a surgeon said that I was having a caesarean and would be getting out to sleep for it because my babies life was at risk his heart rate kept dropping very low.  All at the same time more of the surgeons and midwifes checked how he was going up there. I had dialated to 10cm and he managed to calm down but he was stuck his head was too big. They then said I no longer would be put to sleep as things are okay but they aren't waiting any longer and he needs to come out so a caesarean will be performed. They got my in helped me from my regular bed to the surgery table and one surgeon held on to me tightly comforting me and let me lean on his chest whilst they put the epidural in my back , he then helped me lay down and get comfy. They then put up a sheet just below my boobs so I couldn't see the end of my body , then a few seconds after they brang Matt in and sat him next to me , a surgeon asked if I could feel him touching my legs which I couldn't and then also asked me to move my legs which I tried and thought I had but apparently I was wrong. They warned me about being able to feel a lot of pulling , pushing and what not but that's all normal. They began and this was the calmest I had been the whole time , I kept apologising to Matt all while I could feel everything that was happening just no pain , after 5 mins at 11:01am we heard a little cry and they told us he was out and called Matt over whilst they cleaned him , he got to cut his cord , they wrapped him and Matt brang him over to me and I fell so in love I wasn't able to hold him yet , I physically couldn't, then Matt and Bailey were taken to the recovery room for them to check Bailey out and make sure everything was okay with him whilst I was out all back together. Whilst they were stitching me up and put a cathidor in , I fell asleep for about 5-10 mins. They then put me on another bed cleaned me up , put blankets on me and took me to the same recovery room as Bailey and Matt , I was freezing ! Literally shivering so they gave me more blankets and heated them up as well , in recovery they gave me painkillers checked my blood pressure and all of that then Bailey was bought to me for my first hold , he was placed on my bare chest cuddling in under the blanket with me ❤️ best moment !! 
We were taken to our ward room where we would stay for the next 3 nights. And the next day they took my drips out , I had fluids and another one that made sure my contractions wouldn't continue at all. 
Bailey weighed 8 pounds 3 ounces and was 55cm long. He was and still is absolutely perfect 💙💙💙 born 15/05/2016 , 11:01am 
Bailey Cameron Masterson