All natural 9 pounder!

Add to the typical list of pre labor signs: emotional hormonal rollercoaster. Bawling my eyes out was the only other clue I had before labor really started. I went to bed after I was emotionally sound again and had no remarkable contractions all day. At midnight I woke to the vice grip claw contractions that are impossible to not wimper through. Standing and leaning over side of bed and rocking my hips helped but I had to do special breathing techniques to get through them, they are so close together. DH called over our sitters and we drove the half hour to hospital. I moaned most of the way there. Arrival at 12:50. Checked into room at 1am and I'm 8cm dilated already. Doctor arrives at 1:15 and has me lay back with feet in stirrups which I was totally opposed to. I wanted to birth on my side like I did with my previous birth, which i didn't tear then and I was scared I would tear in that position. I had a warm washcloth on my peri and still tried to side lie and ooooh through the contractions. Doctor broke my water and I was ready to push. Finally my oooing wasn't as productive as it was for my last birth and I was told to hold my breath and hold my thighs and push push push. I tried to do it so gently to crown slowly and ended up making gutteral screams to not hold my breath. Big girls head finally came out through a couple more pushes then doc repositioned her shoulders to deliver next.. Another ring of fire. Then she's halfway out and the doc stops me and has me look down at my daughter's upper half and he grabs her little hand and waves "Hi mommy!" Haha I couldn't believe it. Another big push and out she came! All nine pounds 1oz and 20.5" no tearing at all!!! No meds either