No LH but got period in 12 days!!

Cherelle • Baby girl born Feb 2017👶🏼💖 baby #2 due May 2020
I'm new to this, TTC since only this month, thought would try the strips to see when I ovulate. Normally I have CM in knickers, and can see on loo roll when after been toilet, this month I've had nothing though, which is very strange for me. I've been suffering awful headaches, everyday, and feelings exhausted as well, all 3 only this month since TTC, but acording to GLOW and another app I have, my fertile window was last week ended Sunday, but acording to my ovulation tests nothing has shown, so I wonder if I ovulated early, and I am actually pregnant with the 3 symptoms or I don't know what is going on this month with my body. Got sort of like very light period cramps starting today too, nothing serious, but very light cramps. Any help would be great.