Video monitor suggestions

Denise • married to my best friend and mama to a 4 yr old boy 💙 and 2 yr old girl💗 and pregnant with TWINS due in July 💙💙
I am so exhausted of researching video monitors and not finding a clear answer of a reliable and quality monitor. I know we don't want wifi to keep it secure and not worry about hackers. We don't need multiple monitors (first baby and unsure more babies are physically possible for us). I just want the clearest picture with the best range that doesn't cut in and out. We have a 2 story home and if the monitor will cut in and out often, then what's the point of having it. I research and read reviews and it seems like every monitor has so many negative reviews stating bad range, static noises, terrible images etc. Any suggestions of video monitors that you have used and love or even ones to avoid?