Wife's body image

My wife SEEMS, I say that Seems because emotions and outlook can change by the minute if not more often. But my wife who I simply adore seems to be struggling with body image, she is 16 weeks and the clothes she wears are at the end of fitting (comfortably at minimum. I KNOW she looks great. Yes she has gained, but she's pregnant for crying out loud, she is supposed to.  If she didn't gain weight I would worry. She had a hemorrhaging, so she was on bed rest for about 10 days. So I know being in active and gaining weight as contributed. I truly believe that what she sees in the mayor is not what I see at all. And it is not what others see either. If she gained 100 pounds and we had a healthy boy ( yes we know gender) I would be ecstatic. I simply could care less how much she gains or doesn't gain. Every day she looks more beautiful than the day before. I haven't even eaten unhealthy and gained  weight myself just out of solidarity. I simply cannot look at her and not feel more love for her than the day before. I keep telling her if your hungry eat, whatever the baby needs, you give it. Never one time I have my eluded to her weight gain, passive aggressively or not. I know with her body image, either she doesn't believe me or it's not enough. Girls, guys please help me in I can make my wife feel better about herself. I'm not going anywhere, Scarlet Johansen could throw herself at me naked, and there's only one woman in the world for me and I've already got her. But I want her to feel good about herself, and ignore the changes. Because they don't mean anything to me. Any advice people? For her sake and the baby sake I don't want her to stress about trivial things like a few pounds... Any help? If she asked me to go to the store and get ice cream or ribs, I do it and don't even say a word about calories or anything, if she wants a bag of chips, I just say OK, not even a look , or do you realize how much you've eaten today?, None of that... Please help, she is low maintenance and almost no drama, so I'm not dealing with an unreasonable "drama queen" HELP! I just want what's best, this is our first, so everything is new to me, I'm 39 and she just turned 37... Again, HELP!!!!