
Ashley • Pregnant with baby number 2! 👧🏻👶🏻 And it's another baby girl!!
I keep waking up from sleeping sweaty and my skin feels very hot, but I have a fan on and the AC on and it happens even if I don't have any covers on... Is anyone else having this problem? I'm worried because I'm afraid my body is overheating and it'll hurt the baby... Am I crazy or is that a valid concern?
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Posted at
Your body is working 24 hours a day creating a person. It is normal, maybe try a lighter blanket or loose clothing.


Brittany • Jun 16, 2016
Whatever helps!


Ashley • Jun 16, 2016
At this point I'm about to sleep naked! Lol thank you!


Posted at
When I was in my third trimester I got like that. The AC would be on full blast, the ceiling fan, I'd sleep in only underwear and my hair up and I'd wake up drenched in sweat! Sometimes I would wake up and take a cold shower just to cool off.


Posted at
Ugh yes! My bf is very thin and gets cold easily but he cranks up the AC otherwise I flip and flop all night. My poor honey freezes for me to keep cool


Posted at
I'm always like that too! I wouldn't worry


Ashley • Jun 16, 2016
Thank you that makes me feel so much better lol


Posted at
I get like that 2..i think its normal


Ashley • Jun 16, 2016
Thank you! It makes me feel better that I'm not the only one! I'm so dramatic! Lol