What do white people think racism is???

I'm getting confused because there are soooooooo many whites on here accusing people of color of being racist but I'm confused as to what they actually think it means to be racist. The situations they describe are actions of prejudice and sometimes hate but often they have absolutely nothing to do with their skin tone and even when they do again I really don't think white people on glow or in life understand the word racist. Racism is the systematic oppression of an entire race you getting stared at on a train on your way home because you're white is not doing anything to oppress you or ruin your life. You can still get a job, you don't have to use a different facility for being white or get told because of your white skin you can't have something and to be honest you can go to the store in a black hoodie and not get followed around because your skin tone means you're "obviously" up to no good which most people of color cannot do. I really think you all have the definition of hate and prejudice intertwined with racism and they are totally separate things. It's quite insulting to read or even continue discussing because white people implying they've experienced racism means they've experienced something similar to the Atlantic slave trade or the holocaust and can you guys really say your few encounters when you were mistreated were equivocal to those cause if not please stop saying people of color are racist and you've experienced racism because you have no clue what it's like to get the short end of the stick based on the color of your skin something that you didn't even choose or ask for you have no idea what it's like for a black person or an Arabic person to watch their son go from awww he is so cute how old is he to a thug or a terrorists based not on their actions but on their skin tone