
Chantelle • First light joined me 20.09.11. Second light joined me 26.09.16
With my first baby everything went swimming up to labour and even that went fine bar being induced due to my labour not actually starting regardless of my waters breaking 3 days before hand. 25weeks with number 2 and my son is very clingy and I love carrying him(I know I'm not supposed to and I always bend at the knees, or get him to stand on a seat to come up) but I read online carrying an older sibling can make baby go breech. My one thing I want to avoid completely Is a csec and want this labour to go as smoothly as possible ie no epidural/pain meds. I coped on entinox and morphine with my son and refuse to have anything else. Any mums who've had an older sibling with clingy tendancies gone on to have a fully upside down baby and easy labour? Panicking myself as usual unnecessarily.