Swelling on one side

I woke this morning around 3:30 am and my left hand and ankle were slightly swollen and I couldn't get comfortable in bed. My left arm was also tingly/Asleep from shoulder down to fingers. I usually sleep on left side but felt like pressure was building up laying on that side and every other side I tried too. Could baby just be sitting on something causing this? I tested negative for preeclampsia, gestational diabetes and every other test. I'm 36 w 3 d and due for a c-section on July 12th due to my sons size. He weighed 7lbs this past Tuesday. Just wondering if this has occurred with anyone else and its normal part of pregnancy? Maybe pinched nerve? I took a walk this morning around neighborhood to see if that would help but can't tell a difference. Also checked BP and it was 120/81 which is good.