I feel crazy

So maybe because this is a fertility baby that I never thought would happen, but since hitting over 20 weeks I am completely terrified. I mean I am showing more which I good! We have announced it. Everyone seems happy for us. But the heartburn is worse then ever! Like tonight my chest is killing and my back. The pain is so bad I can barely feel him moving! Which adds more stress and then the braxton hicks all week and shortness of breath from just walking to the bathroom. I don't remember it being like this with my other child which was 7 years ago. I am terrified every day I could lose him and my husband doesn't get it, it feels like no one does! My mom is just saying I am over reacting and being sensitive. I have scar tissue from kidney surgery that the baby pushes on and is so painful. I barely sleep at night cause I am either peeing or completely uncomfortable. My last baby I never needed a body pillow this time I needed one by 20 weeks. I have put on less weight but look much bigger.

So today the heartburn nothing is working and all I want to do is puke ( yes I have done everything safe for pregnancy), my baby is barely moving and last night was the worst night sleep. And to top it off my husband doesn't have any desire to go to labor and delivery especially since I see the doctor Monday... Maybe I being overly sensitive I don't know 😳 I guess I just wish someone saw it from my side and realized maybe something could be wrong ...