Last name

Sara • First of three💝😊

So me and my BD aren't together. I picked out my baby boys name and out of consideration I asked his opinion on it. He said "I don't like the fact that the name has nothing to do with me" he hasn't done anything to help me or the baby. He lives 2hrs away and can't even leave if he wanted to cause he's on house arrest for a year.

I was trying to coparent with him because our son deserves his father regardless if we get along or not.

My son is going to have my last name. That's why he got upset. He said "your fcked up and the day he's born my main goal is to take him away from you"

Im so scared I'm going to lose my baby boy. I've been Thur so much already from being homeless for a year ,having my own place to bein back at my parents. I don't think he'll be able to get full custody due to him not being around, a record,not working, and being two hours away. We haven't spoke in about 3months.

Am I wrong for not giving my son his last name? It isnt out of spite. Its for protection for my son.