water breaking/ leaking is different for everyone.

So a few comments I've read esp on the waters breaking/leaking topics, are ladies telling those asking that it "isn't their waters leaking or breaking because it just keeps on coming & doesn't stop" or "it won't break like in the movies it'll come out little bits at a time & again, won't stop!" No. Not true. When my waters broke it gushed whilst In bed, I quickly jumped up and as I stood up the rest gushed out and THAT WAS IT. Finito' so see how my stories different to yours? It's because what happened to you isn't necessarily gonna be someone else's story and so on so on . So over the people commenting these things telling others they're wrong, or no it's not happening to you. Just because it hasn't happened like YOURS, doesn't mean it's not happening! 
** I know this is a common annoyance with ANY subject spoken on here, but I just needed to rant. ** 
**RANT OVER* thanks 👌🏽