Husband's sister

I'm 11 weeks pregnant and met one of my sisters-in-law for the first time yesterday. My husband and I have been married four years. They came over for lunch today. My husband grilled 17 burgers and bought two bags of chips for 9 people. She has said barely two words to me since she met me. She asked my husband how HE felt about becoming a DADDY, and never once said two words to me about the pregnancy or even a congratulations. She never once thanked me for lunch today or spoke to me during lunch. For dessert, she was slicing brownies and handed my husband the first one, got one for herself, and completely ignored me, even though I was standing right there. She took a picture with her brother and our dog, and completely left me out. Maybe I'm being overly sensitive since I'm pregnant, but it's just like, really?! You'd think she'd make an effort with her sister-in-law, who is carrying her niece/nephew. Any time I would say something, I'd look over and see her looking at me but she wouldn't engage in conversation with me at all.