Positive Induction Stories?

Michaela • 31 years old. Mom of 3
I literally go in at 8 tonight to start my Induction with baby #2 and can't help it I'm getting so nervous I don't know why! But my first came on his own and I have no idea what to expect! And my baby is IUGR and just worried she will be in nicu.. we are 38 weeks today and she is 5.7lbs.
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Good luck hope it all goes well 


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I've been induced with all my babies.. Honestly, they check you, break your water, sometimes scrape membranes and then you wait. At least, for me it was this way. When I got to L&D with all 3 children, they told me to walk the stairs and walk around for an hour after they checked my cervix. Being induced is like literally all I know.. So you and I are opposites lol. I'm kinda scared to actually go into labor.


Katerina • Jun 20, 2016
of course!


Michaela • Jun 20, 2016


Katerina • Jun 19, 2016
it can really depend. my longest labor was 12 hours but barely any pain, just boring. I went in about 10am due to dehydration and they said they'd induce me because her EDD was the next day and got me a room, I fell asleep and started feeling contractions around 6pm that night, had her on her EDD at 12:15am.


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I've had to be "induced" with all three of my pregnancies as well. I never had to be given pitocin or any drugs, but had to have my water broken and membranes swept each time to start labor. It really isn't that bad, as long as you're in the optimal zone for induction. 


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Katerina did they break your waters at the beginning? Or after giving you an iv drip?


Lor • Jun 19, 2016
Ok thank you x


Katerina • Jun 19, 2016
I went in, they checked me and I was like 1cm, walked around until I was 2cm, then induced right after.. no iv drips.