So I live in a large town, with a huge marine base.. So lots of pregnant women. There is only one doctors office because the other one just shut down so now my office is over crowded. I don't see one doctor, I see a "group" of doctors and midwives so it's different every time. I had HG I lost 25 lbs, my mom and cousin had strokes and my moms heart failed in labor.. I'm 20, I'm scared . When I was super sick they didn't listen to anything I said they just would write a prescription and walk out. I was taking 9 pills a day and was still sick af so I stopped taking the pills. I suffered, but eventually got better. They still don't talk to me about anything, no questions, no advice, nothing. They take my blood pressure and measure my stomach and walk out. Am I over reacting? I feel like I have no idea what's going on, or what to expect or what to look out for. They don't say anything when they come into the room. I can't switch doctors because I would have to drive an hour away, and my license is suspended.. Idk what to do. My family history is awful and everyone in my family almost died when they had a baby and they don't care at all...