TTC is tough

According to Ovia I should wait three more days to test but I could not help it and of course I got the bfn.. It seems like it was so easy to fall pregnant the first time (even though it ended in miscarriage) and now 4 months later I can't get two pink lines to save my life! I pray so hard about starting a family and I just wish I knew when God had it in His plans to bless us with our first child! I know it's possible I could still be pregnant this cycle but I would be lying if I felt like I will see AF before I see my two pink lines... I'm really trying to stay encouraged and not let it mess up my day but it's hard when it's the one thing you want the most! We are about to make a year on the 26th for our wedding anniversary and I REALLY would have loved to tell my husband we got our rainbow baby.. Good luck to you ladies who are still in it this month and prayers to those who are continuing to TtC