Wtf Glow!! Please read

Hey ladies im pretty confused! Sooooo I am 2 days late. I was suppose to get AF the 18th according to glow and I logged that I didn't get it so it moved my days to the 25th I believe. Now glow is saying I'm 11DPO when I remember being way more than that. I'm on cycle day 36 today 😩 I'm usually 32ish. I've taken hpts but all bfn have I been taking them all too early thinking I was more DPO?? Do I still have a chance ? 
I guess I've had some symptoms but I try not to relate them bc I feel like I make them up! 
For example the 16th I got sick to my stomach threw up and had diahrea and that same day at night I was fine and had regular bowl movement. The next day it was as if nothing ever happened I was sooo confused. And then I was constipated for the next day. Lately I've been nauseous and sleepy! I've had some twinges in my lower abdomin on the left. Gassy. I'm not having any normal signs of AF coming but I feel like she's being a sneaky little b^*<%😂 
Could I be pregnant?