Don't feel right after cervical exam...

I had my cervix checked today and it took FOREVER and hurt a lot. Ever since I've been leaking thick stringy red blood-tinged discharge and had clear thin discharge go through 2 pairs of underwear and pants. I had contractions for a few hours after but they've settled down. I don't think it's my water because it's not a constant stream and I'm now wearing a pad, but the bloody clot stuff is still coming and I keep feeling leaks ocassionally. It feels like the first day of my period because I'm so crampy and now I'm sore down there. 
Anyone else experience this? Did she strip my membranes accidentally or something? I was 2-3cm and 25% effaced so maybe my mucus plug is falling out?
Update:: water broke! I'm in the hospital getting induced because labor never started on its own!! Baby will be here tomorrow!