Family is overwhelming

I just need to vent.. So I am due July 8th but getting induced Wednesday night due to high blood pressure. We are so excited for our baby girl to be here but I am beyond stressed. I want this to be a special and private time for my husband and I and I only want him in the room with me. This is our first child and I have every emotion running through me. This has been a very rough pregnancy for us from the beginning. My mom keeps telling me that she is going to be in the room to catch my daughter when she comes out and that my husband might pass out so she needs to be there. I've told her over and over again that I only want my husband with me but she won't drop it. (We aren't on the best terms with my mother. She has just recently started to support us and she is always trying to make us look like the bad people) My SIL also keeps saying that they can be in the room until I start pushing and that it's not going to hurt anything. I am a very private person and I just don't feel comfortable with our entire family seeing me in the moments before i give birth because I'm going to be in pain and feel gross. Part of me feels bad but this should be about me, my husband and my baby girl and all I can think about is the drama I feel is going to happen. Any advice on how to get through this?