Why is it a thing

Rant warning!

Why is it a thing now for people to condone weed, cigarettes, and alcohol during pregnancy? I hate seeing a woman ask what others think only to be told "I still do it and we're healthy". That does NOT make it ok. Stop telling women it's ok. Are we that self indulgent now that we can't even put our babies before ourselves and be sober for the duration of the pregnancy? Your reasons for needing any of those are not even that good. For morning sickness? Join the club of women who were sick for months, vomiting daily, and dealt with it. It's ok to stop a habit for your own child. It really is sad how many people, men and women, are perfectly ok with it. It's even more sad how many women say their doctor told them it's ok. If they're even telling the truth. Just think about what smoke and alcohol does to your own body before doing it while you're pregnant. Even marijuana has tar in it. And I'm all for marijuana, but not during pregnancy.