Why is it a thing

Rant warning!

Why is it a thing now for people to condone weed, cigarettes, and alcohol during pregnancy? I hate seeing a woman ask what others think only to be told "I still do it and we're healthy". That does NOT make it ok. Stop telling women it's ok. Are we that self indulgent now that we can't even put our babies before ourselves and be sober for the duration of the pregnancy? Your reasons for needing any of those are not even that good. For morning sickness? Join the club of women who were sick for months, vomiting daily, and dealt with it. It's ok to stop a habit for your own child. It really is sad how many people, men and women, are perfectly ok with it. It's even more sad how many women say their doctor told them it's ok. If they're even telling the truth. Just think about what smoke and alcohol does to your own body before doing it while you're pregnant. Even marijuana has tar in it. And I'm all for marijuana, but not during pregnancy.

2.6k views โ€ข 126 upvotes โ€ข 62 comments



Posted at
Thank you! If you cant go 9 months without it you have a problem and need to rethink your priorities before having the child.


Posted at
It doesn't matter whats in DRUGS (smoking, drinking, etc) and not in DRUGS..the point of this post is to say if you cannot quit doing DRUGS for your unborn child, you shouldnt get pregnant until you are able to put your child before yourself!


Posted at
While I agree that cigs and alcohol are a no (as there are way too many studies showing it is harmful for anybody to deny) but study up on weed before throwing that one in there.. First off it doesn't have tar. And in my case I smoke because I have HG. HG is not "morning sickness" as you would put it. HG is throwing up 10, 20, 30 times a day. Throwing up until you can't breath. Throwing up until you pull a muscle and break blood vescles in your neck and eyes. Throwing up until every single tooth in your head is weak, eroding, and loose. HG is going to the ER for the 100th time to get fluids because your body wants to retch every single ounce of food/liquid/sanity out of your body. It is losing so much weight that your bones stick out like they never used to. It is passing out from lack of nutrients and being so weak. It is feeling hopeless and depressed and sobbing between dry heaves. It is like the absolute worst hangover/stomach flu of your life and it doesn't last a day, a week, or a month. No, it's nearly every day for 40 weeks. In some cases it is organ failure, and the risk of losing your life. I weighed 84 pounds by the time I was 10 weeks. From 105 to 84. I literally would have lost my baby if I had not smoked marijuana. It is not linked to any sort of disability or deformity, and is actually becoming much more popular in treating pregnant women who's bodies don't handle pregnancy the way they should. Thanks to smoking marijuana I am finally gaining weight and my baby and I are surviving! Before you spew judgement on a subject that you know absolutely nothing about, gain some knowledge and perspective. Do not shame women like me who are doing everything in their power to help their bodies and their babies get through these nine months of HG hell.


Grace โ€ข Jun 22, 2016
Sabrina there is no study that proves that. there is one "study" done years ago that showed that by the age of 3 a toddlers who's mother smoked weed while pregnant may score lower on a memory test. the actual IQ of the child is not affected. and by the age of 5 their memory appears to be just as good as a child who's mother did not smoke. there is no study showing any long term affect on the baby. and as kelcey mentioned there are actually newer studies showing that the THC might actually help with the fetal development. I have read SO MANY stories of women who smoked due to HG (i am a part of a marijuana for HG group) who's babies are hitting milestones incredibly early. on the flip side I have heard a total of 2 women on there state that their baby has some sort of health issue after birth and they are unsure of it is linked to smoking weed. there are risks that come with literally everything during pregnancy. I have heard way too many awful stories related to the nausea medicine that doctors prescribe to ever feel comfortable using them. There actually ARE studies on those proving that they raise the risk of problems with the baby. I would rather not need to use marijuana but under my circumstances, and a lot of other women who find themselves in the same shoes, I had to do my research and decide whatbi was most comfortable with and seeming how marijuana is not known to cause problems, I definitely opted for that and I won't ever regret my decision.


Grace โ€ข Jun 22, 2016
krystyna I agree, I wouldn't use weed if I didn't feel it was necessary for me. on my good days when I'm not as sick I won't smoke and I wasn't smoking from the day I found out I was pregnant until I found it to be the best option for me! I don't think pregnant people should smoke it recreationally, although I do think it is safe. there aren't enough studies on it to know for sure tho and I personally wouldn't risk it if I wasn't under the circumstances that I am! But to anybody else who is using it for similar reasons to myself I absolutely understand where they are at. and thank you, I'm glad I found something too(:


August โ€ข Jun 22, 2016
๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ go back to school


Posted at
Here's another cannababy. Smoked throughout my pregnancy, and he is perfect. No complications during pregnancy, no complications during delivery and no complications after birth. Passed all tests with flying colors and is the most perfect little man. I'm thankful to have such an amazing son.


Lily โ€ข Jun 21, 2016
He's adorable!


Posted at
How about we mind our business and womb because no matter what you think and say people are going to do what they want.


S ๐Ÿ˜ โ€ข Jun 21, 2016
They go on here and announce it to the world and act like they are doing no wrong. If they didnt want people in their business they should not announce their business.


Posted at
I totally agree with you, it's so selfish. I'm here stressing about deli meat and some pregnant smoke a pack a day still.. It's sad. I feel for the baby.


Posted at
For the woman who said marijuana does not contain tar. This is from the American lung association. Just thought it was an interesting piece of info. 


๐Ÿ‘ฎT โ€ข Jun 22, 2016
That is what water pipes are for along with vaping


Susie โ€ข Jun 22, 2016
The resin tends to stay in the pipe unless you intentionally try to smoke the resin. I'm not saying that you won't ingest some while smoking, but don't believe everything you read.


Allyssa โ€ข Jun 21, 2016
resin is much different than tar.


Posted at
โ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ yes! Cigarette smoker of 7 years!! Pack a day and maybe a few too many shots of whiskey every week and everything changed the moment I saw that line! I'd do anything for my baby girl. She's saved my lungs ๐Ÿ˜


Posted at


Posted at
Cannabis advocate over here, and have my green card. To each there own, but who are you to judge?