Am I pregnant? (It's a long read)

HELLO LADIES!!!! Okay so this will be quite a bit of a long story but let me explain. Last real period was 4/23, I had unprotected sex 5/7, 5/8 and 5/10 I then experienced an early period on 5/19 which was accompanied by very bad cramping (I never get cramps, and this was bad) the period lasted 3 days.
 I have had a lot of symptoms. On 5/15 at night time I had the worst nausea, I felt like I was going to vomit and it was horrible, I didn't sleep. Now I am having the worst breast pain, my nipples are super sensitive, I have been craving sweet foods for the past week and WOW GOING TO THE TOILET about every 10 minutes and it feels like my bladder is empty! 
I tested twice about 2 weeks ago and all negative.
Today was the day my next period was due and NOTHING!! But a lot of clear discharge (sorry for tmi) but what do you ladies think?! 
Have any of you experienced a false negative? If I was pregnant I'd be 8 weeks now, surely it would show up. PLEASE HELP.
Just want to know your guys thought. Sorry for the rant, tia Xxxxxxx