Looking for my kindara friends, Leah, Nori and Anonymous!

Hey ladies it's ToriMay from Kindara! Hope you are all feeling well :) I just hade my first ultrasound yesterday and it just melted my heart! Could not be happier! It's always so magical to hear the heartbeat for the first time and see them moving around! The pics never do it justice, watching the live screen is just amazing!!
According to my kindara chart I guessed a due date of Jan 18th, because I ovulated so late. According to my period however I'm due Jan 12th. The ultra sound has me measuring at Jan 15th, so they are not going to move my date from the 12th. I know it really shouldn't make a difference, but I'm already a bit paranoid about induction if I appear to be 'late' for delivery. My little girl actually came on her due date, which is very uncommon, especially since statistically your first comes late. So I probably won't have any issues and should not worry especially this early! 
Hope you find this! After 5 posts I think we can make our own group :)