What should I do.

My boyfriend just went to work. He threw the laundry basket at my while I was in bed. I'm 38.5 weeks pregnant....it didn't really hit me but the fact that he did it is driving me crazy! He doesn't have anything clean . I asked him to take the laundry basket downstairs for me so that I could do the laundry and he didn't, and the only reason I haven't just grabbed clothes and taken them down is because he always gives me poison oak just from his clothes and I alread have it and didn't want it to get worse. I haven't been working so there's "no excuse" why it isn't done but it's something that's hard for me to do right now and he was getting in my face while I was sleeping trying to prove the point that while I'm on disability I should have everything clean. He doesn't lift a finger when he gets home from work and when I worked I still did everything I honestly just feel so alone. I'm not going to let my daughter listen to him boss me around like this all I wanted was for him to take it downstairs. So I woke up at 5, although I'm on increased bed rest from my doctor because I have major edema and am starting laundry. Then waiting for the store to open because I have to walk there and buy more detergent. Just ranting...