How long will you BF?

I'm going back to school and maybe even go back to work end of August and I don't know how long will I BF for. Pumping works but I'll still would have to deal with full breasts when I'm not around my baby and that feeling is uncomfortable😩. How are you guys doing it? 
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I'm not going back to work so I was trying to exclusively bf. Unfortunately he wasn't gaining weight quick enough so the pediatrician wanted me to start supplementing after bf. He is only taking maybe an ounce from me. So if I want him to bf I have to constantly pump and put it in bottles. Pumping is not always an option though since it is so time consuming and I cannot hold my son while I do it. 


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I'm planning on a year ish. I BF my daughter until she was 18 months (by that time it was just once at bed time). I never had any trouble pumping when I went back to work (at 12 weeks)


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I set my goal to breast feed for at least year, depending on how my son is with it. If he wants to stop before then that's okay with me. I'll have to go back to work when he's three months but my company provides nursing mothers rooms so I can pump comfortably during the day


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I'm planning to do exclusive BF for 6 months, and then transition to all solids by the time he's one year old. I go back to work in August, so I'll have to pump...hopefully that won't be too hard but I'm a little worried.


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My goal for now is to at the very least breastfeed while I'm on maternity leave and then try to pump when I go back to work.  My supply dried up when I went back after I had my daughter 2 years ago but she also never latched correctly and I supplemented with her.Nursing seems to be going a lot better with my son so I hope to keep it up and it's a lot more affordable than formula.  I'm also lucky to work at a hospital with pumping rooms and a very family oriented work environment.