39 weeks raspberry leaf tea

Alicia • 24 living on long Island, Ny
Anyone have experience with raspberry leaf tea ? What were the results? Did it start contractions. 
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No it does not induce labor. You are supposed to take it weeks before imams it helps tone your uterine muscles to create more effective contractions. Taking it at 39 weeks will not do anything. It needs to build in your system.


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Unfortunately, RRL tea doesn't start labour, but if taken throughout the pregnancy, strengthens the uterus for a faster (and possibly earlier) labour. What you could try though is basil and oregano tea. Those two herbs can bring on uterine contractions in high doses, although it's terrible to get down (I hear). If you're past your due date and have been given the green light to start trying a natural induction, it's worth a try! Here's a quick recipe I found online.


Alicia • Jun 21, 2016
Yeah I'm 60% effaced so far and thank you


Paige • Jun 21, 2016
Good luck! This waiting game is so hard.


Paige • Jun 21, 2016
More things to try (which you probably already know). Walking/jumping will bounce your little one's head off the cervix to help dialate, evening primrose oil and sperm will help soften the cervix, orgasms and nipple stimulation will produce oxytocin which can bring on contractions, and my midwife recommended accupuncture, so I have an appointment next week! The man doing it says he has great results with only 1-2 treatments. :)