Whos had a misccarige?

Tell me how to be strong all I ever wanted is this baby he was my hope and joy my everything I don't think ill be able to get through this with my husband away it's just me and it's so hard please help me get through this please
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Find someone you know that has had a miscarriage and talk to them. Glow is great, but it is more comforting to talk to someone in person and get a hug. I also started a journal to record my thoughts and emotions as different situations came up. Sometimes it helps to write out all the hurt and questions.


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My miscarriage was absolutely the darkest time of my life. Hubby and I had been trying for 5 months, were so excited, we told everyone at 6 weeks and then lost our angel the night we announced. It was devastating. It's been 6 months, and I think about my angel every single day. It gets more bearable, but what helped me get through it was finding a support system. My mother-in-law had one, as well as my sister-in-law, so I began to confide in them with the feelings I had. I started seeing a therapist and was diagnosed with anxiety/depression and decided to get medicated after having dark thoughts of self harm and suicide. It's been a long road to recovery, but I'm feeling happier every day and can think of my angel without feeling uncontrollable sadness. It's so hard, but it gets better. And now, being 6 weeks pregnant, I still think of my angel and hope everything works with my little poppyseed. Just take it one day at a time. Don't know if you're religious, but I pray for you and all others who are experiencing this loss because it is so hard. Hang in there, you can do this!


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I has two losses before I had my son. I learnt that the hard times made the good times that much more special.


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Talking about my loss helped me get through it.  My sister and I both went through losses so we talk about it all the time.  It's hard but it will get easier 😭


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Especially right after, it seems like nothing can make you feel any better. I lost our first pregnancy this year in January at 10 weeks and it was one of the hardest things I ever went through. Although my husband was there for me, he didn't connect like I did and there's just nothing like losing a baby for a mother.... All I can say is it does get easier. I still think about our first when I'm sitting here almost 20 weeks with our rainbow. Although I love her soooo much, I still think about who our first baby was and keep them close to my heart. I don't talk about it to people except mothers who have gone through the same thing. I just don't feel like they know the pain unless it happens personally. Hang in there. 


Lexis • Jun 21, 2016
thank you so much victoria i appreciate this thank you


Victoria • Jun 21, 2016
And I'm deeply sorry for your loss.


Posted at
At first it feels as if your heart has been ripped out of your chest well for me at least that is how it felt. My husband and I tried for over a year then a week after we found out we were pregnant I miscarried. For days I felt like all I could do is lay in bed and cry and ask what did I do to lose a baby. I also asked what could I have done differently to prevent this. In reality it's not your fault these things just happen in my case I got leukemia and that is what caused my miscarriage. In the beginning it is hard because I wanted to have a big family and when I miscarried I felt like my dreams got shattered. I wanted a second baby so much and then I kept seeing my friends or family having baby announcements online and I would sit there and cry because it hurt. But after my diagnosis I accepted the fact that it would be a long time before I could have more children. 3 weeks after my diagnosis I found out I was pregnant and I am 28 weeks and me and baby are doing good. Best wishes.