I would appreciate any advice on this situation☺

I'm 20 years old and 18 weeks pregnant with my first baby. It took me a while to get comfortable with being pregnant, my first trimester was hard and very stressful. It's so hard for me sometimes because I feel like I'm the only one that doesn't have their child's father there for them. We dated off and on for a while, I met him in 2013 and we fell in love. He even used to tell me that he wanted me to have his baby. He was involved at first but now he just says he doesn't think our baby is his. I invited him to the gender reveal party and he told me no, he doesn't wanna come and he's blocked me from his phone and now doesn't talk to me at all. His mom sides with him as well and keeps saying things like "if" the baby's his. It hurts me because I was 100% faithful to him. Anyways, I try to remain positive and not think about him but it's hard. I'm not sure what to do😢. I would appreciate any advice.