Fainting spell? Or what?

Caitlyn • 22, Canadian. 2nd baby girl coming in March! Lovely husband. Lovely daughter. Lovely life. 🙏🏻
So yesterday morning I woke up for work and took a shower. I sometimes don't realize how hot my showers are because I am always freezing in the morning. Anyways near the end of my shower I started feeling really dizzy and completely blacking out. I was holding on to the walls but eventually had to quickly get out and crouch on the ground. My blackout went away but then lead to me throwing up. I'm 9 weeks pregnant and that was my very first time throwing up during my pregnancy. Then today I woke up and took and shower and immediately after exiting the shower I vomited. Does this just seem like morning sickness or is it something more? I'm curious if this has happened to any of you guys. Thanks!