No More Breastfeeding

Olivia • 22 years old, single momma 👣 Dominic A. was born April 28, 2016 👶🏼
I have been quickly losing my milk supply since the day after my supply came in. I can't pump anything out anymore, my son is slowly refusing to latch and if he miraculously does; it turns into two hours of him and I fighting for him to actually eat, he doesn't get enough, then he starts screaming and I give up. He is 2 months old, and yes I've tried everything to increase my supply; I've taken 5 nursing days in a row for two weeks, I've tried seeing a LC along with my midwife, I've tried different diets, I've even tried a beer a day but all of it just dried me up more. I know everyone says "keep trying, it'll get better!" And "Have patience, it takes time to increase!" But my son and I are just getting more and more frustrated with this whole thing. I've finally come to terms with the fact that I am just not meant to breastfeed, and I know so many people that shame me for it - including some of my family - which was sending me further into depression but not anymore. It's not my fault exactly, my body just isn't made for it. I'm no longer ashamed or depressed about it. My son is now strictly formula fed and we are both so much happier because of it 😊