Kissing babies in the mouth

Arianna • I live I laugh I love ✌🏾️👶🏾

Ok I don't judge anyone and how they choose to live their children not am I trying to"sexualize" what some view as natural however. I think it's kinda gross to kiss babies on the mouth . One reason is because everyone knows you may kiss your significant other but toy may also lick their other body parts too though there is nothing wrong with doing sexual things with your partner and I know people wash their faces and brush their teeth , but the thought of " oh I suck dick and though I freshen up let me go kiss my baby on the mouth. " that is just gross period. 2. They grow up and though you may say to them don't kiss people in the mouth because it's germy they may do it because it's normal for them. I've seen grown people still kiss their grown kids in the mouth and think that's just gross. But that is just me ice always thought it to be Nasty to kiss babies or children in the mouth and that won't change.

What are your thoughts?

Ps. Idc about people trying to persuade me . Just explain your person reason on kissing your kids in the mouth. Persuading won't change my mind on the matter. And for those who try to say my mom didn't love me growing up guess what she did we are literally best friends and I love her more than anyone else except my baby to come in august.