Breastfeeding vs formula feeding

This was a message that my friend sent me about my choice to formula feed and now l feel pressured to breastfeed and I don't want to. What do I do? Isn't formula equal to breastmilk? My doctor said that it's fine. And I was formula fed and I'm okay. I just really don't want to it's just weird for me and boobs are a sexual thing so it's just weird 
"There is no way around is, breastmilk is ALWAYS best. Only 2% of women actually cannot breastfeed. I am so sick of women who choose to formula feed without medical reason, as in the inability to produce enough milk, or at all. Change you diet, pump, whatever, no excuse to not breastfeed. More and more women choose formula because they think it's just as good as breastmilk, it's not. When you choose not to breastfeed for any reason other than the TRUE inability to do so, you are indeed selfish. What do you think women did before formula was created? Just let their babies starve? Nope. They sucked it up, and fed their babies breastmilk or found someone who can. You need to do what is best and just breastfeed or at least do it for 6 months. Pump if you must I don't care. Choosing formula without it medically needed is one of the worst parenting choices you'll make. People like you are just proving how lazy and selfish our women are now. Formula should be sold by prescription only once it's been proved you truly cannot breastfeed."
Help ):