My weird labor
I was 37weeks when I went into labor.
I woke up about 7am to get ready for work and told my husband I felt crampy. Like I had to use the bathroom but that didn't help. I didn't think much of it, took my prenatal vitamins, finished dressing and headed to work. As I was driving I felt bad pain in my back. It didn't seem to be coming or going just constant so I tried like hell to ignore it.
I finally got to work (45 minutes of hell sitting down in the way there) and tried to start my day at my desk. I couldn't stand sitting so I rummaged around the office until I found something I could balance my keyboard on and stand up. I mentioned my pain to my coworkers who all Said it must be Braxton hicks. I tried lots of water and the pain wasn't Going away. I called my Dr at noon and asked their advice and was told to lay down and see if it stopped. Well being at work I had no where to go so I headed out to my jeep and put the seat down and the pain moved to my abdomen. I called the office back about an hour later and was told "well... hmm I guess it could possibly be labor so if you want go to labor and delivery." Since they seemed not convinced it was labor I stuck it out til the end of the day and met my husband at his work. He said we should get checked and be safe then sorry.
So now 11 hours into pain I went to L and d. They didn't seem convinced so they did urine test and told me I had a possible bladder infection, and checked me anyway. As we waited on more definitive results an hour later they checked me again and I was at a 4, I had been at a 3. They said I was being admitted since I changed.
An hour later I got moved to my room (was a very busy night 33 babies were born that night at our hospital) I got settled in with our nurse and was told if I didn't change anymore and nothing else happened I'd be released in the morning. This was probably 10ish pm.
Hubby went home to get our bags and came back with his mom in her car so we would only have one car at the hospital. I was still in the same pain and it wasn't changing. His mom finally left and I hadn't dilated any more by 11pm. I felt the need to get up around midnight just to stand to relieve my back and as I did water poured down my legs and it was bloody. I freaked out.
The nurse came in and I was shaking and saying my water broke and she said yes it did! I was freaking because it was bloody and she called the doctor to come break the rest and verify if there was blood in the water or if it was from my bloody show (which I had a ton of after being checked).
Longed 10 minutes of my life waiting for her to tell me if I was having a complication. Thinking I'd be getting a c section now and I didn't want that. She came in and broke the water and said it was clear!thank God!
After that my pain was getting worse and worse. They checked me at 3am and I was at a 7. But he was still at a high station. I caved and got the epidural due to back labor and it only worked on my right side. The nurse seemed amazed at how long it took to take effect on me even for the limited relief it provided.
Throughout the whole process my contractions were erratic 4 1 minute apart then nothing for 3 minutes another 2 1 minute apart then none... they started pitocin and they stayed erratic
I stayed at a 7 until 7am and was fully dilated but he still was at a -1 station. I so wished I hadn't gotten the epidural so I could let gravity help.
At this point my contraction monitor wasn't registering so they inserted one.
At about 9:30 he was at a zero but they said we were going to try pushing. I pushed and pushed for what seemed like forever. He was progressing with the pushing and we could finally see his head.
The doctor wasn't called until we could Really see a lot of hair and then they finally came in. At that point it was 3 or 4 really long and good pushes and Jeremiah was born.
I pushed for 1 hour 45 minutes and he came out Sunnyside up but tilted to the right. Which explained the back labor. I so hope if i have another my next baby isn't Sunnyside up.
Jeremiah was born at 37weeks 1day (no explanation for coming early) 19.5in 6lb5oz a very healthy baby.

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